воскресенье, 15 марта 2015 г.

Home Remedies

Next time you wake up with a sore throat don't run straight to the doctor. Try opening the  kitchen cupboard instead! There are many natural remedies there. for ex. 
Garlic has a bad reputation because of it's strong smell, but it's great for you immune system! 
Vinegar. And do you have a sun burn so painful you can't move? You could try adding one cup of white vinegar to a cool bath. This will soothe your skin. 
HONEY. Next time you have a sore throat try some honey, like garlic honey helps destoy bacteria. 
TEA. Can you feel a headache comng on? Boil some water and make yourself a nice cup of tea!
BAKING SODA. Do you have smelly feet? Sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes.
Ginger. Do you have an upset stomach ? Try some ginger.
These are just a few of the natural remedies in our cupboards! There are hundreds more!   

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