понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г.

Australia and Russia

1.Australia's population is  23842968 person -  Russia's population is 146 270 033 person.

2 The territory of Australia is 8 468 300 km²- the territory of Russia is 17,125,187 km².

3.Australians have a very light breakfast. It includes cereal, sandwiches and fruit - in Russia usual breakfast includes scrambled eggs, sandwiches, corn flakes or something like that.

4.In Australia the weather is +10 , + 12 degrees in the winter - In  Russia the weather is -15, -20 degrees in  winter.

5. In Australia the weather is + 30 degrees in summer - In Russia the weather is +15- +25 degrees in summer. 

6.  In Australia mammals have smaller size  than reptiles - in Russia  mammals have bigger size than reptiles.

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