вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.


Most of us take living in a home with a key and a fixed address for granted , but there are an estimated 30 to 40 million no ands around the world whip live life on the totally different way.

For ex. The Tuareg of the Sahara . In the past these "blue men of the Sahara" protected the camel trading caravans crossing the Sahara Desert, but now mostly work as livestock herders!
Also there are The Sea Gypsies of the Andaman Sea. Setting in temporary stilt huts only during the monsoon season, they live more than half of each year in hand-built wooden boats using simple nets and spears to catch fish to eat and to sell it.

Moreover there are The Mongolian nomads! 40% of Mongolia's population lives a life of nomadic herding, moving from place to place.
All of them have never adapted in the modern world, but there is one experience of adapting people from Tribe from Papua Guinea in our modern community.  The chief of Tribe from Papua Guinea and his family were invited to experience the every day life in South London. At first every escalator was met with terror and every lift with suspicion. A revolving door created gasp of wonder. They were fascinated by everyday scenes and situations that we would not give a second thought to.

By the way, there are people who shave their own houses and maybe they are your neighbors, but there is one thing, that makes them ordinary! Have you ever heard about freegan life style? They are not homeless or unemployed, but they scavenge in bins for discarded food. Freegans, shocked at the extent of consumer waste, are changing the way they eat.

And can you imagine, that some people in our world live in airports?! I have one example of this strange lifestyle! Eram, a middle aged ex-low student who became homeless after she could no longer pay her rent, actually considers herself fortunate to live in Heathrow. She says' I liked it here immediately. I have never felt lonely because there are so many people. I don't mix much with the other homeless, although they are of all ages and from every walk to life!

As we can see, every day in our world new lifestyles appear! And and even if they are very strange, a lot of people follow them, but maybe such weird lifestyles make our world more interesting and wonderful!!!

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