понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

I would like to inform you about my experience of sharing information with different people, namely a school secretary, a student of RBIU, a guy from the ninth grade, an English teacher and a security guard. My speech covered such topics us Sports and Entertainments, Healthy Lifestyle, Traveling, Environmental Issues and Modern Living. 

To beggin with, I told the people I managed to talk to about one of the greatest sport events in our world - The London Marathon. I mentioned that over 46000 participants From all corners of the world take part in this event every year. Moreover, i noticed that the route is 42.2 km. And I know that football is very popular in Russia, and I decided to inform them about Wembly Stadium. I said that the stadium has 90,000 seats and it is one of the most expensive stadium ever built. 

Furthermore, I guess that not everyone know about healthy life style. I underlined that lots of young women could go to far in their desire to lose weight. I blamed the glossy magazines in the propaganda of being underweight. And as result, I provided some ways of loosing weight in healthy manner. For example , I offered them to try being vegans. I pointed out that vegans are the people who remove all animal and dairy products from their diets. 

Everybody knows that people overeat when they feel bored, so I advised them to go traveling! I told them that Greese has lots of sights. For instance I mentioned that the Parthenon was ire tee in the 6th century BC. However, you don't need to go that far, you could visit Yaroslavl. I described the city and told that it was Russia's second largest city in the 17th century. 

Also , I wondered if people could be Eco conscious travelers. I believe that while travelling we shouldn't brake the Eco balance. I warned that if we didn't change the Eco situation , the polar bear population would decrease by as much as 20 percent in just 10 years. I also told them that scientist had announced that a type of West African Monckey had probably become extinct. 

For us not to become extinct we may use nano technologies. I pointed out that there was even speculation that the human body would be repaired with a help of nano technology. People were shocked that our world was advancing far quicker than anyone could imagine. I couldn't but exclaim that by turning your mobile on we could exchange huge amounts of information, so I suggested exchanging the information with each other for us to enjoy and save the world. 

As for me, I really enjoy this experience, as it broadened my horizons and developed my communication skills.

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