четверг, 25 января 2018 г.

It is generally agreed today that our modern world is developing everyday.

Firstly, I would like to mention that all the achievements and dicroveres, that we have nowadays, are results of talented people's ideas.To illustrate , there is one woman, who said a new world in Fashion Industry and became a worldwide designer. However the way of gettind world fame wasn't so simple. Nobody from her family had belived in her success. Moreover, her father had been trying to make her choose another, more serious Bussines for life. And in one day, Tanya-famouse designer said to him: Dad, the thing is, underneath it all you know ive made the right decision for my life.

And of course there are people who said new word in another sphere. Do you think that Nanotechnology is the next big thing? Microscopic robots are the new famouse discovery. Scientists working in this new branch of technology see these ideas as only some of the possible applications of their research. There is even speculation that materials can be devoloped that will allow machines to repair themselves in much the same way that the human body doe

Furthermore there is a book about future life system. can u imagine yourself sharing your life routine with robots? The book is about humans and robots living together in the future. Elijah Baley is a main character, who is a detective. Once, Baley's boss has called him into his office to talk to him. They had an odd conversation, due to his weird (non-modern) boss. His boss had windows in the room and wore glasses. Moreover, he didn't consider rain to be a waste. Modern community has different points of view and Baley's boss think that it's a huge trouble.

All in all, I would like to say that fortunatly, in our world there is huge number of different opportunaties, that help us to keep the interest to life. 

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