вторник, 27 ноября 2018 г.

Final Topic 3 model

Our world is unique. Nobody knows how we appeared. And human civilization develops every day. we have created the rules and traditions of the society. 
Moreover we are humans and we have our rights. 

And unfortunately, sometimes there is rights violation.
For instance, there is a story story of innocent man who was caught by police because somebody identify him on the CCTV recording but after all his lawyer said that there is no evidance of his guiltines so he was released from police station. Isn't it incredibly awful how our pollice may arrest you just because of mistake?

However, we still live oour life and somebody can be so brave to change it! I also have one example. The is a story about the woman, whose name is Clara. She moved to a new house in countryside. And the she made some decisions about her new life and previous life in a big city. She wondered at how strange it felt to accept the kindness of stranges, something that rarely happened in the city. Well, she mussed one of the reasons she had opened to come to the countryside was precisely because she wanted to escape the selfish suspicious nature of living in the dog-eat-dog world of the city.

Moreove, talking about preleasure things. I sould mention some ways of relaxations, if you wanna have fun!
The Notting Hill Carnival is held in London but the carnival's origin
lie far away in the Caribbean. Then, they used to celebrate their freedom and native culture with catchy tunes, dances and different attractions. Now, this festival is held in August in London and it's a highly popular profitable event, which has Carribean roots. Further more If you love classical music, you'd better visit St. Petesburg, where the Musical Olympus International Festival is held. Concerts showcase fresh talents and also connect international huge stars on one stage.

By the way, there is one interesting fact aboy the music. In 1991 people liked listen the radio but they had no electricity and batteries was so expensive. Trevor Baylis decided to create a special radio that does not depend on electricity and without battaries but with clockwork motor from toy car. Young boy got in touch with the BBC and there was given the opportunity to demonstrate his invention. And he got fantastic results. He was to help change lives in many under-developed countries in Africa.

All in all, Iwould like to say that our life is amazing.


To be successful is the main goal of the majority of people. Whatever we do we don’t mean to fail, but we strive for high achievements. And it goes without saying, that high achievements imply much effort, energy, devotion, strategic thinking and tactics. 

Moreover, lots of different people surround us every day and we need to collaborate and interact with them. As we are the integral parts of the society. And there is the question: who are you ? In other words , are you a team player or an individual one? 

Some people believe that we are social beings and we may always rely on people surrounding us, namely our colleagues , teammates. 
They say that two heads are better than one, and lots of situations prove this saying. Team work becomes even more efficient if it is supported by serious strategic planning and careful thinking and personal involvement and devotion. 

However , we shall act within reasonable limits. Never forget about the golden middle and keep the balance. I mean, that rejection is inevitable when there is too much of something. 
This is the point when individuals are born and such articles as “How to Deal With Nosy People at Work” appear. 

Not everyone is ready to sacrifice their freedom, privacy in order to achieve team goals. 
Furthermore, some people are quite jealous about success and don’t want to share it with anyone. Others want to try themselves and prove that they can cope on their own. 

All in all, keep the balance. If there is no harmony, then we have to face the chaos. Our world is much more diverse than just being black and white.